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Taking a Nordic Mythology class while studying in Northern Europe seemed kind of poetic, an opportunity an English major could not miss out. So there I was, reading complicated primary sources about what life in the cold and dark Scandinavian past.

All taught by a Viking.

Okay, he is not an actual viking but instead a Religion professor at the Copenhagen University but he looked like one, quite tall with a white beard and matching hair. He spoke English in a British accent with a Danish intonation. In many ways, this man embodied many aspects of Danish culture, if you ask me.

He had a deep passion for licorice, inviting us to try some during a field trip, which many, including myself, politely declined, His sense of humor is what many would call "dry," and spent much of class explaining his jokes in class, along with commentary on Danish customs and mannerisms.

He explained what I had already witnessed. And what I, through my observations and perceptions, understood about Danish culture.

He once said "Danes think Denmark is so great that they do not need to brag about it. Aside from licorice and a dry sense of humor, Danes are also have a pride for their nation that is beautiful and well-meaning but to us foreigners can often feel somewhat exclusive, specially when we are trying to intregate ourselves in their culture.

Then there's the famous Jante Law, which, in simplest, and shortest terms, as far as I understand it, means that one should not stand out. It mandates that one should not feel "above" others. It is how Danes explain blending in. They aspire to be within the crowd.

And lastly, there is the Danish concept of hygge, my personal favorite. Again, in the simplest of terms, it means coziness by enjoying the company of those dearest to you. With lots of candles.

As briefly summarized, after spending a semester living in the Danish capital, I have begun to understand appreciate some of Danish culture.

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